
Security firm sued for filing “woefully inadequate” forensics report -Arstechnica

By |2022-06-15T01:27:43-04:00January 15th, 2016|Categories: Breach, Forensic, Lawsuit|Tags: , , |

Arstechnica's Dan Goodin has reported that Trustwave is being sued by Affinity Gaming for not eliminating malware presence after a forensic investigation had been done. Mandiant uncovered the malware during a follow up PCI forensic investigation. See full-article below. Security firm sued for filing “woefully inadequate” forensics report

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Cybergeddon: Why the Internet could be the next “failed state” -ArsTechnica

By |2022-06-15T01:25:09-04:00February 26th, 2015|Categories: Cyber, Hacking|Tags: , |

Excellent article by Sean Gallagher from ArsTechnica. It truly captures the essence of how our world is likely headed into an unfortunate collision with technology.

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ArsTechnica – We don’t need net neutrality; we need competition

By |2022-06-15T01:04:26-04:00June 27th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Although I may not agree with current policy regarding net neutrality, this op-ed from ArsTechnica conveys an interesting view point that almost persuades one to move away from net neutrality. Unfortunately, the end of net neutrality will mean added costs for sites, email and traffic in general.

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