incident response

CompSec Direct receives media mentions as the result from incident response services offered to Hacienda of Puerto Rico

By |2022-06-15T00:46:16-04:00March 18th, 2017|Categories: Attribution, Contracts, Cyber, Defensive Methodology, Hunting, Incident Response, Reports|Tags: , , , , |

The Center of Investigative News (Centro de Periodismo Investigativo) published an excellent summary of events from the situation the department of Hacienda faced in early March of 2017. Our early involvement in this event helped the citizens of Puerto Rico during an already difficult economic situation. We will continue to work with the department of Hacienda [...]

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CompSec Direct solicited for subject matter expertise on Incident Response for Hacienda of Puerto Rico

By |2024-12-16T19:09:06-05:00March 10th, 2017|Categories: Attribution, Contracts, Defensive Methodology, Hunting, Incident Response, Reports|Tags: , , , |

CompSec Direct was asked to provide incident response services to the department of Hacienda, the Treasury department of Puerto Rico, on March 7,2017. The department of Hacienda was experiencing daily losses of approximately $20 million dollars a day due to the severity and impact of ransomware on the government network. CompSec Direct’s president, Jose Fernandez, led [...]

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